Thursday, October 14, 2010

Happy Halloween...

How will you be celebrating ?? :D
WItches and monsters .... ghouls and ghosts..

Hawaii-an Luau

is that how it is spelt ?
Anyway here are 2 versions of the theme ...


You have to know totoro ...


Cupcake animals

Rainbows and Bumblebees


The obsession of many I am sure .. :)
Please leave a comment if you would like to how i did it .

I also followed :

Old McDonald had a farm

A moo moo here and a moo moo there ...
here a moo there a moo
Old McDonald had a farm ee i ee i o .

The little princess

She wanted to be a princess...
what would a princess be if there was no castle ?

Selamat Hari Raya

The man and his ciggies

The brief : Bald man and cigarettes

The result :

Cakes for adults .... ;)

Congratulations on your new born

Care package for mummy :)

tips i picked up on

Full moon for Baby S

This was a full moon pack for a baby whoose initials start with S obviously

Full moon = chinese tradition for babies turning 1 month (28 days to be exact) old to have red eggs and a small celebration.

Alice In Wonderland

The birthday girl's mom to be exact requested for a tea part Alice style. This is my interpretation.

Now at Sao Nam

Sao Nam is a Vietnamese restaurant recently opened at Empire Gallery Subang. Whenever I have some time I will be putting some cakes there for sale. Look out for it ..

Price List